99 Design

Elevating 99 Designs' workspace with flexibility and style

Creating a dynamic and collaborative workspace for 99 Designs with flexible, multi-purpose furniture solutions.

Lead Time

6 - 8 Weeks


500 m2






99 Designs knows how to work in style. Bringing their design expertise and putting it to use to create a truly engaging space that encourages collaboration and creative thinking.

The goal was to create a space that encouraged communication, offered private workspaces, increased collaboration, and provided an enriching experience for the team as a whole. To assist with this, we worked closely with the 99 Designs to implement furniture solutions that allowed for a flexible working style as well as furniture solutions for multi-purpose use. The use of modular furniture as well as isolated work booths creates a truly flexible work environment that allows people to work in any style they desire. This project is an excellent example of a modern-day workplace.


○ Encourage communication and collaboration

○ Provide private workspaces

○ Create an enriching experience for the team


● Successfully integrated traditional and contemporary design elements

● Implemented furniture solutions that support a flexible working style

● Created a space that increases team productivity and creativity

Robert Walters