Expressions Australia

Crafting an Inclusive and Inspiring Workspace for Expression Australia

Designing a modern and accessible workspace for Expression Australia, promoting collaboration and innovation through purposeful furniture selection.

Lead Time

6 - 8 Weeks


1500 m2


Marchese Partners


Hunter Mason


Expression Australia is dedicated to making a difference in the Deaf Community, and their new office space reflects this commitment. Focused on fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, the office features a versatile layout and purposeful furniture selections that cater to different work styles.

Our goal was to create an atmosphere that promotes collaboration, innovation, and accessibility while also providing private workspaces for focused tasks. To achieve this, we collaborated with Expression Australia to identify the ideal furniture solutions that would encourage communication and adaptability within the workspace. The result is a harmonious blend of modern design and practical functionality, emphasizing the importance of an all-embracing workplace.


○ Encourage collaboration and innovation

○ Promote accessibility for all employees

○ Create a warm and inviting atmosphere


● Successfully designed an open and inviting workspace with ample natural light

● Implemented furniture solutions that cater to a range of work styles, including sit-to-stand workstations, modular couches, and open focus pods

● Created an inclusive environment that empowers the Deaf Community and supports the mission of Expression Australia

818 Bourke Street